They are just about the same age (5 days apart), but Theo has mastered motion already - he has fire in the belly, and a bit less mass to move around. However, B seems to be a pretty quick study - on Monday he watched Theo zooming around on all fours, and crawled for the first time later that night. Yesterday he watched Theo go from his belly to sitting up, and figured that out today - and then showed off in front of his girlfriend. Nothing like a lady to impress to bring the best out in a boy... The cutest part of this skill though is that he is genuinely proud of it. Every time he sits up he claps and waits for his audience to cheer. We do. Dance monkeys!
Future Madame President, and Future Monsieur First Hubby. Or maybe one can do one term, and then they trade?
Oh - and from Isabella, whose Grandpa is teaching her about fractions in most fascinating ways, today she is 5 and five twelths! You better believe it, that is how she will answer the 'how old are you' question until June 14th. Love it.
I love the pic of your clapping baby. He is too cute.